
Thank you for asking me to photograph your family for you. For trusting me to take these special pictures. It's a privilege to be the one you chose to capture your family's story. I am here to capture you all, as you are, at this moment in time.

As a mum of two myself, I am passionate about documenting the memories with your little ones that will last a lifetime. I'm so excited to meet you all!

A note about this guide

For most people, the idea of having a photo shoot can be quite daunting. I hope this guide will put your mind at rest so it can be a really special experience. Above everything, the best advice I can give you is to go with the flow: embrace the chaos of life with young children and enjoy the precious time with your family. You can leave the rest to me. My job is to put you at ease, direct you and deliver a set of gorgeous pictures in which you look great.

My family storytelling sessions are playful and informal; they capture the magic of childhood and the story of your family's everyday life. Be prepared for a lot of fun and some hard work. You know what makes your child giggle and smile more than anyone so don't be afraid to play the fool by singing, dancing or pulling silly faces. I've found that having a relaxed attitude outperforms any bribe by a long way. While I strongly believe it's good to have a relaxed approach to the shoot, I often get asked questions about what to wear, how to deal with being camera shy and the best locations for the photo shoot. I hope this guide helps. If there is anything I have missed, please let me know.